Data availability in this portal

Category No. of records From Year To Year
Vital rates133520042021
CRS Regn126020052021
Percapita data882012-132022-23
Crop data59252004-052021-22
Land use data26852004-052021-22

Area, production and productivity of crops: Data is based on the reports published by DES under EARAS scheme. EARAS means Establishment of an Agency for Reporting Agricultural Stastics, a scheme is being operated in Kerala, and DES is designated as State Agricultre Statistical Authority (SASA) for operating this scheme.

Land utilisation: This data on classification of land as per purpose of its utilisation is also based on EARAS

Vital statistics

Vital Rates: Vital rates are calculated from the birth and death data reported from Local Bodies in Kerala as per Registration of Birth and Death (RBD) Act 1969 of Govt of India. The rates are being calculated annually.

Birth and death registration statistics: This data is also base on Civil Registration System in Kerala.

GDP data

GSVA and NSVA estimates: Sector wise data on Gross/ Net State Value added by economic acitivity.

Percapita income estimates: Statistics on percapita GSDP/ NSDP values.

Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) and Net State Domestic Product (NSDP) are estimated by DES for current and constant prices as per the methodology of CSO, MoSPI, Govt of India. The data provided in this portal is those published by DES annually.

GSDP, NSDP and Percapita values of 2021-22 are Provisional estimates and that of 2022-23 are Quick Estimates.

Data Downloads

Crop statistics
Land use data
Vital Rates
CRS Regn data
GSVA data sector wise @ current & constant prices
GSDP and percapita @ current & constant prices

Choose a year and a data type to download. The selected dataset will be exported in MS Excel format.

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